Sunday, September 2, 2007


Friendship is as elusive as a dream.
As tangible as fog.
Those that felt a need to be here, are gone...replaced by those that want to be.
Where's the sincerity?
Where's the love?
Where's the trust?
Only the clock knows.
Time tells all.......


Anonymous said...

Nothing has changed but the clock.

The Bottom Of The Swamp said...

It saddens me, a little, that the changes haven't been recognized. I feel a certain amount of confusion may be in play.


A certain realization that wasn't expected, by either.

And is difficult to explain without admitting the changes have occurred.

The clock ticks........

Anonymous said...

What's changed? We talk the same, think and laugh the same, feel the same as we have from the start.

The status-quo is just that for a reason.

The Bottom Of The Swamp said...

As John Voight said during a key point in the movie, "National Treasure",
"The Status quo has changed."

And so it has.

Small changes, surprising admissions.

An embrace upon arrival and departure. A change.

An surprise admission that one was missed more than was expected or can be explained.

A new status quo has been reached.

Anonymous said...

With one, small (and probably signigicant) exception, that is friendship and family to me. Yes, the writing, and talking were missed, but that doesn't change what has to be.

The Bottom Of The Swamp said...

It was a small, but significant, and very much welcome change, but it has also changed the status quo.

Perhaps, as the relationship matures, there will be other small, but significant changes.

As has been expressed previously, allow it to develop, see where it leads. Fear not the future, but embrace it.

Anonymous said...

How and why did it change things?

You agreed with me on this. There can be no more than what is. We are a part of each other's lives, in very big ways, but there are some ways we cannot coexist.

The Bottom Of The Swamp said...

In the macro sense, nothing has changed.

In the micro world, there has been a change. And there is more than what was. And there may be other small changes. It is possible for a relationship to mature and become more "intimate" without going where it should not go.

Yes, I did agree. And I still agree.

We are a huge part of each other's lives and I welcome and embrace that. And yes, there are places we should not go and will not go. But there is still room to grow and mature, without treading on forbidden areas.

This is one of those moments.

Anonymous said...

It still feels like you're wanting what cannot be.

The Bottom Of The Swamp said...

Difficult concept. More than what is, less than what could be.